What is the first thing that comes into your head when you are asked how to coach soccer or youth soccer? You’ll think it’s to answer but then there are so many things that make a complete answer to this one.
Communication forms one of the most important soccer skills that players and coaches should both learn. A coach is required to regularly instruct players, give feedback, appraise them, council them and maintain discipline, so communication skills are a must.
Players, then again need an outlet to discuss performance issues with coach, peers, parents, colleagues, and share tips and tricks with relatively weak players in the team. Soccer is the only language by way of which players and coaches can converse with each other.
With respect to soccer coaching, there are some beliefs that the coaches must follow and subsequently teach their players.
1. Use the name of your players while addressing them. This is not just polite but is also relaxing.
2. Make it clear in your head what you want players to do and achieve before sending out instructions.
3. Be empathetic: The goal of communication is to connect and not to defeat. So value the opinions of others as well.
4. Watch your body language. It should be relaxed and open to convey positive feelings and get better results.
5. It is important to maintain an eye contact with every player whenever you talk to them. Look into the eyes pf people that you get to talk to.
6. Your manner of speaking should impress the person you are talking to. So choose a style that not only suits your personality but also suits the other person.
7. Pick a topic that needs attention. Communication is the key to finding answers, how to coach soccer is successful when it is short and clear-cut. Pick a list of items and remain committed to it.
8. Be objective: Just remember that as a coach, you are interacting with a team or an individual player. So keep your sentiments in control and talk to them only about the game.
9. Speak clearly: The other person should be able to interpret your message in exactly the same way you intended it to be.
10. At the time of teaching soccer, keep talking about the important issues. The players should be reminded of the important points by repeating them in different ways.
11. Always aim to keep the conversation light by using funny words and style.
12. Always give your players enough room and confidence so that they can get their queries answered from you. Allow them to ask questions.
A soccer coach without the capability to speak and distribute the information required for high performance isn’t successful in the long run.
In conclusion, how to coach soccer is something that must make get the coach into a mode of trying to understand and make allowances for different cultures. Enroll for our youth soccer coaching community that has a large volume of resources on youth soccer in the form of articles, newsletters, and videos that help you in imparting required skills to the players.
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