Here is why Griezmann is starting after 60th minute for Atletico Madrid #soccer #football #shorts

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20 respuestas a Here is why Griezmann is starting after 60th minute for Atletico Madrid #soccer #football #shorts

  1. Dave dijo:

    Barca agrees to 20 million for Antoine Griezmann's issue has been solved…

  2. he started in the derby though

  3. He looks like Pep in the second picture (warning, can't be unseen)

  4. Kai Törmi dijo:

    If Morata is playing then no

  5. kyliann dijo:

    Bro read the terms and conditions

  6. Abhinaba Roy dijo:

    Barcelona just needs to make sure Atletico's 2-3 forwards get badly injured

  7. Even though I'm a Ronaldo/real Madrid fan I will have to say this is good move by atletico

  8. P for Parody dijo:

    Athletico: hey antoine, wanna help us and piss of barcelona?

    Antoine: Mazeltov motherfuckers!!!

  9. barcelona fans ruined his career

  10. TEDD J dijo:

    F corrupt barca, hope athleti dont have to pay that 40 mil..

  11. Cause Justin Bieber don't play football

  12. Mumin Uddin dijo:

    Athletico are cheap for this

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