NFL Owners To Vote On New Hair Rule for NFL Players – Hair Must Be Under Their Helmet

Self expression is something that us Americans cherish and hold dear because frankly, we are one of the few country in the world that allow you to do what you want, wear what you want and have your hair as long as you damn well please.

This whole long hair controversy started last year when Chiefs running back superstar Larry Johnson tackled Pittsburgh Steelers safety Pro Bowler Troy Polamalu (who has probably the most recognizable hair in the NFL) by yanking on his hair and pulling him out of bounds, it was a sight to see and looked pretty damn painful, but you could make the argument that Larry Johnson was doing everything he could to make the tackle. On the other hand, it was pretty brutal and unnecessary in most people’s eyes.

Well, next week all the NFL owners are getting together to discuss what rules they would like to enforce this season and the hair tackle will be one of them. This rule will not require to any football player like Polamalu to actually cut his hair (God knows how much trouble that would cause), but it will require him and all the other NFL players that have hair that cover the name on the back of their jersey to keep their hair in their helmet in what ever means possible.

If this rule does get votes from all or the majority of the NFL owners and get put into affect, you can expect some very mad NFL players like Troy Polamalu of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Maurice Jones-Drew over in Jacksonville and Robert Gallery with the Oakland Raiders. There will be a lot of unhappy players and may be even protests or some players even sitting out (doubt it, but very possible).

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