Rerviews quận chỉ 10k khâu 20 năm không hết – HUY RONG CHƠI

Rerviews quận chỉ 10k khâu 20 năm không hết – HUY RONG CHƠI

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20 respuestas a Rerviews quận chỉ 10k khâu 20 năm không hết – HUY RONG CHƠI

  1. @huy-dochoi dijo:

    Please like, comment and share the match

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  2. Los farselonistas siempre viendo su papa, su excusa es que el madrid robo cuando el atletico fue el que robo, ah y tambien dejen de burlarse de un equipo, deberian preocuparse mas de su equipo el barca que no levanta la cabeza solo goleando a los equipos pequeños y siendo goleados por equipos grandes

  3. Coz of short defense equalized .

  4. Brahim is very good player but he is selfish

  5. @Gussender dijo:

    Madrid need to buy awsome center back

  6. Madrid pasti juara tapi dengan kecurangan 😂

  7. @xand1749 dijo:

    Duas verdades que vocês não estão preparados pra ouvir, real madrid precisa comprar zagueiros urgentemente, e Brahim dias por futebol merece ser titular

  8. @Drakenstien dijo:

    Once upon a time, there was a man named Tebas. He married his wife, Referee. After years of a loving relationship, they shared a special moment that resulted in the birth of their baby, whom they named Real Madrid. However, during sports class, a bully named Offside emerged. As a devoted father, Tebas vowed to protect his beloved child against the bullies. Referee, being a caring mother, assured their son, saying, "Son, don't worry; Offside will no longer exist. Our friend VAR will be your new bodyguard." And they lived happily ever after.

  9. 2 penalties not given to Bellingham, 1 pen not given against Vasquez. I don't want to hear this Vardrid trend again.

  10. Atletico is destroying Real this time and this year 😂😂😂😊

  11. Not happy with officials favoring madrid

  12. @redioactiv dijo:

    Merengolos 👉👌 😭😭

  13. لعب ريال مدريد جيدا ولكن تما التعادل بعدما خرج جودبلينجھام اتمنا التوفيق للملكي وحب مدريد لا ينتھي عندي ابدا ھلا مدريد مدريدية للابد❤❤❤😘😘😘❤❤❤

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