Messi's Magic at the 2015 Copa del Rey Final | ESPN FC Sport Science

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47 respuestas a Messi's Magic at the 2015 Copa del Rey Final | ESPN FC Sport Science

  1. @2023-sep-6 dijo:

    بنسبة لي هدف ميسي في شباك اتلتيكو بلباو في نهائي كاس الملك 2015 هو الافضل

  2. how do americans effortlessly make normal words sound weird as fuck, why did he say midfield like that

  3. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, 4 and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, 5 and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

  4. To score this goal you have be to either God or simply Lionel Messi !!

  5. Finishing 99
    Dribbling 99
    Speed 90
    Acceleration 99
    Ball control 99

  6. Trust the Americans to come in and turn everything into numbers and stats

  7. WTF is Yards & Inches? Americans are weird.

  8. @Unblox dijo:

    The goalkeeper missed the save by my dick size-

  9. @NP24x7 dijo:

    Scientificallimpossible goal by messi

  10. bro no one could do this after maybe even a 100 attempts, but this man did these amazing things on the spot, in the huge pressure of playing a final and absolutely showed the world why he is the footballing genius

  11. Bro's goal was so good that even science had to explain how this happened..

  12. As a ronaldo fan. Wth in impressed.

  13. Nah man you can’t convince me that mf is human💀💀💀


  15. Most people do like that "Ankara Messi" goal the most. But this one right here is my favourite Messi goal.

  16. Who is back here after the GOAT won the world cup?

  17. @MrSunturion dijo:

    Now He's a World Champion. Nuff said. 💪🏆🇦🇷

  18. @DAVBatch- dijo:

    Messi bolte chaddi kholte

  19. @jacka3280 dijo:

    That’s some anime shit right there after MC have the flashback of his childhood stories and friendships

  20. Probably the only time i won't complain about Yankees trying to Americanize the sport💀

  21. Who is here after he just won the World Cup? #MESSITHEGOAT

  22. Just remembered this goal out of nowhere

  23. @foolano6110 dijo:

    This is the video I show Americans when they need helping Americanizing football

  24. Man of other planets.impossible goal .

  25. I watch this goal over and over again. This is why Messi will always be the best in my book.

  26. @kingkongg dijo:

    Its like he has spidersense

  27. pendu can imagine the tap in and penalty while Messi scored this

  28. @Footy774 dijo:

    That’s why we call this guy Alien and we are right about it and I’m so glad that we were right

  29. you cant name another player that can do this, u just cant

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