THE HUDDLE 🤍💚🍀 VS ATLETICO MADRID #celticfc #uefachampionsleague #atleticomadrid

Keith Corcoran talking about the draw between #celticfc and #atleticomadrid in the #uefachampionsleague

Will the Celts have confidence going to Madrid on Match day four ?
Goals for #kyogofuruhashi and #luispalma .

Did the referee let #diegosimeone side away with Murder?

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Una respuesta en “THE HUDDLE 🤍💚🍀 VS ATLETICO MADRID #celticfc #uefachampionsleague #atleticomadrid

  1. What a game yesterday watching it in 🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹

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