Highlights Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid (1-0)

A goal by Benzema in the second half decides the derby in Real Madrid’s favour and leaves the local team leading LaLiga Santander #RealMadridAtleti J22 LaLiga Santander 2019/2020

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32 respuestas a Highlights Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid (1-0)

  1. Om Smak dijo:


  2. La liga, stop helping real madrid win there's doublw standards at the bernabeu always. Real fouls it's not called. Atletico madrid doesn't foul, clean tackle and it's called a foul

  3. P 1 dijo:

    Atletico getting away with all the shitty tackles they made throughout the game was pathetic …

  4. Binge&Purgue dijo:

    gonoReal Madrid vs Liverpool –> 3 – 1
    Atlético de Madrid vs Liverpool –> 4 – 2
    T H E U G L Y T R U T H

  5. ?*00212679620248* *whatapps*?
    هـــــذا رقــم الــدكــتــور?‍⚕️ الإخــتــصــاصــي الــلــي اقـتــرح عـلــي الـعــلاج الـفــعــال لــقــصــر الــقــضــيــب
    نــقــص الإنــتــصــاب✅ الــقــذف الــســريــع ✅ الــبــرود الــجــنــســي ☑الــمــنــتــجــات مـتـوفـرة فــقــط بـالـسـعـوديـة?? وقــطــر?? والإمــارات?? والــعــراق?? ولـبـنـان?? والأردن?? والـكـويـت?? والـبـحـريـن?? وسـلـطـنـة عـمـان??
    ســـارع واطــلــبــها?*00212.679.620.248* *Whatapps*?الـدفـع عـنـد الاسـتــلام?

  6. Flea Bitten dijo:

    Stone wall penalty for atletico

  7. Benzema the best striker in the world

  8. Vinícius Junior hizo un pase perfecto para comenzar el juego de gol.

  9. Comment tater : Rail-Madrid won

  10. Who else thought they were watching a video game at the start?

  11. bocoy noiu dijo:

    I hope Koke’s injury heal quickly and return to the match. Felix ,Costa,and Trippier too. We need their power.

  12. Kai Havertz dijo:

    Não entendi nada rapaiz, não entendo nem o português direito

  13. How long Benzema will wear this bandage? It's been a year!

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