When Atletico Madrid Players Lose Control


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50 respuestas a When Atletico Madrid Players Lose Control

  1. Danny Artie dijo:

    Spaniards are the worst. Its ‘best’ teams are no different, they are savages. In addition to all that, Simeone (not the typical good Argentinian coach) led Atlético Madrid to the ugliest of football.

  2. DarKEnergY dijo:

    Madrid teams are cheats and can't win anything without being anti football. They're pathetic pos.

  3. o o dijo:

    Is it injury-making competition?😅

  4. Adryezrr dijo:

    I enjoyed every second of the video

  5. RMcG dijo:

    😂😂 they're premadonnas, smash every single one straight up in a 50/50 they cry

  6. City grew a pair after that match with athletico!

  7. Ravi Sharma dijo:

    Pepe and Ramos >>>>>> athletico Madrid

  8. Victor dijo:

    they show their coach attittude, simeone as a player was a disgusting pig.

  9. Cadnan Mo dijo:

    They don’t know how to play
    They only know how to fight
    If you want to fight go mma or wwe

  10. Hiding in the corner when the City players came over ……P>>>Y

  11. Omar Peláez dijo:

    simeone are proud of you guys

  12. SOVAN JANA dijo:

    When ramos did that ..ohh wow!! He is a lengedary player ..when Atletico did that they r the worst . 🤣

  13. Andromeda dijo:

    Llorente es un niño, no da miedo, se le suben los humos como un tonto.

  14. Azilli187 dijo:

    Atletico Madrid in a word and it’s war ✊🏽⚡️

  15. Paul Roberts dijo:

    Imagine paying to Watch that shit every week? Disgrace to the game.

  16. SKULL HUB dijo:

    I love watching atletico madrid cuz it’s always aggressive.

  17. Atletico madrid has set a remark for themselves 😂
    Havent seen much game without fights 😂


  18. Grande savic 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚 inglaterra 💩💩💩💩jajajqjqjqjqjqj

  19. Liga UMR dijo:

    When criminals unite in 11
    ( Simeone )

  20. Aliسینا👆📿 dijo:

    Only in one season they done it all 😮😂

  21. Phat Sokhim dijo:

    only real madrid can contain atm

  22. With this attitude, they will never win any trophy in 100 years to come unless they change

  23. Kim Yugyummy dijo:

    They are the pretty boys and the bad boys of la liga idc what anyone says atlético makes la liga more interesting now that El Clasico has fallen off

  24. TheTizmo dijo:

    I love them. This is what I want from football

  25. Ko Hein dijo:

    Xhaka is smiling at the corner 😌😌

  26. RajendraSan dijo:

    Man, love it oblak never angry

  27. ST - PES dijo:

    Savic really Idiot player!

  28. WØLF dijo:

    Always Savić or Llorente… 😂😂😂😂

  29. Alberto L dijo:

    When Pepe yelled at the Athletico Madrid players they all backed away in fear 😂😂😂

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