What if Real Madrid never sold their best players? FC 24

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41 respuestas a What if Real Madrid never sold their best players? FC 24

  1. @ASP_FC dijo:

    Reply with any future ideas for videos⬇️

  2. where is bale?
    and also benzema will win the real madrid's 15th ucl💀

  3. Everyrhing is temporary
    Real Madrid winning ucl and ronaldo top scoring it us permanent


  5. “ClownChester United” “brokaLona”

  6. all lies, imagine how many times he can replay to get the results he want to show us

  7. Bro forgot to roast Chelsea

  8. @SEWY7. dijo:

    That benzema joke caught me off gaurd 😭🤣

  9. Both single-handedly destroyed three football clubs in one video💀💀💀💀🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤣🤣🤣🤣

  10. I think he meant Manchester shity

  11. Why goalkeeper is navas instead casillas?☠☠

  12. @viraj7865 dijo:

    Bro roasted Barcelona, Benzema, Manchester united and city so casually 😂😂😂😂

  13. This guy knew how to insult broken giants 🤣🤣

  14. What is Newcastle doing in the semis of UCL??

  15. @TheRealJunz dijo:

    Same as Llorente and Theo n I could say hakimi aswell because not enough play time

  16. @TheRealJunz dijo:

    Why’s odegard there? 🤣🤣🤣 he was never one of our best players

  17. Everything is temporary but this guy roasting benzema is permanent

  18. What if Real Madrid never bought any players .😂😂

  19. Bro forgot, r9 Roberto Carlos and zizou

  20. It's always interesting in the final

  21. @shsb2355 dijo:

    Ronaldo algorithmically can never not be top UCL scorer

  22. @burger467 dijo:


    Say that again and ur dead

  23. Clownchester and brokalona…damnnnnn that hit different broo..😂😂

  24. @Nurse116 dijo:

    Crazy how many clubs you can roast in less than a minute 😂

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